How Many Students Receive the President's Award for Educational Excellence?

The President's Award for Educational Excellence is a prestigious honor that recognizes students who have achieved academic excellence. Since 1983, the President's Education Awards Program has honored elementary, middle and high school students who graduate for their achievements and hard work. The award is certified with a silver seal and is presented to those who have maintained a school record that meets the selection criteria. The selection criteria for the President's Award for Educational Excellence are set by the director of the program.

To be eligible, students must be graduating from elementary school (finishing 6th grade, moving up to 7th grade); high school (finishing eighth grade, moving up 9th grade); or high school (graduating from twelfth grade). In addition, they must have maintained a school record that would have met the selection criteria for the President's Award for Educational Excellence, even if illness, personal crisis, or special needs prevented them from maintaining such high standards despite hard work. Those who receive the President's Award for Educational Excellence will be presented with a certificate with a silver seal. For more information or questions about the President's Award for Educational Excellence, contact Compass. The President's Education Awards Program (PEAP) is an excellent way to recognize and reward students who have worked hard to achieve academic excellence. It is an honor that will stay with them throughout their lives and will serve as a reminder of their hard work and dedication.

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