Do Students Qualify for the President's Education Award?

Are you looking for a way to recognize your high-achieving students for their hard work and dedication to learning? The President's Education Awards Program, sponsored by the U. S. Department of Education, in partnership with the National Association of Elementary School Directors and the NASSP, is designed to do just that. To qualify for the President's Award for Educational Excellence, students must be enrolled in elementary, high school, or high school and have achieved a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.5.The Presidential Award for Educational Excellence is presented to students who have achieved academic excellence and are graduating from elementary school (finishing 6th grade, moving up to 7th grade); high school (finishing eighth grade, moving up 9th grade); and high school (graduating from twelfth grade).

The award is certified with a silver seal and comes with a Gold Label certificate. The director plays a leadership role in selecting the recipients of the President's Award for Educational Excellence. To place an order, visit the President's Education Awards store. For more information or questions about the President's Award for Educational Excellence, contact Compass. Since 1983, the President's Education Awards Program has honored elementary, middle and high school students who graduate for their achievements and hard work.

It is an unforgettable memory of their success that will stay with them for years to come.

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